Millets Electricians Hampstead

79 Hampstead High St, London NW3 1RE, UK

About Millets Electricians Hampstead

5 / 5

from reviews

    Mahesh Maurya
    January 04, 2024

    Peter was an excellent person to work with. His ability to quickly organize an electric inspection, produce a complete report and discuss the implications of what he found was remarkable. I would recommend this company due to their professionalism and excellent communications.

    Lady Arven
    July 02, 2023

    If you need an electrician to put up some outside lighting, you should use this one. He has a wealth of information to share, is always prepared, and has an engaging demeanor. The lights my husband requested were not a problem for him to install, and the quality is excellent.

    Polina Rous
    July 08, 2023

    My neighbor recommended this company when I was seeking for someone to handle the installation of my new light fixtures. The installer arrived promptly, handled himself expertly, and finished the job in record time. They come with my highest endorsement.

    Acey Flamez
    June 22, 2023

    Getting an electrician to put up some outdoor lighting was a real hassle for me. There are too many cancelled meetings for me to count until I finally found this one. His estimate was fair, and he finished the work promptly.

    Tom Klous
    June 23, 2023

    I just employed this electrical service to put in a new fan, and it was a breeze. The electrician arrived promptly and completed the job efficiently. Instead of waiting days for someone else to install my new fan, it just took a few hours for me to do it myself.

    Millets Electricians Hampstead

    Our Address

    79 Hampstead High St, London NW3 1RE, UK